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We’d like to thank the following people for generously donating their family legacy to the Research Center, helping us preserve the history of Transylvanian noble families!
Atzél Ferenc
Bánffy Miklós
Bánffy-Jósika Imre
Betegh Katalin
Betegh Stefánia
Bethlen Éva
Bethlen Béla
Bethlen Juliánna
Bethlen Klára
Bethlen Sára
Géher Ferenc
Haller Béla
Horváth-Tholdy Péter
Kemény Endre
Kicsi György
Porkoláb Levente
Stipsicz Károly
Szentkúti Farkas
Tisza Kálmán
Teleki Kálmán
Ugron Béla
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